How to Haywire Twist

How to Make a Haywire Twist in Wire

Twisting wire is critical for Wahoo, King Mackerel, and more

Learning how to Haywire twist is a must-know technique for targeting toothy fish. Watch this quick video and learn step by step the proper way to twist wire. This important technique is crucial when using wire leaders. Wire leaders are best when targeting anything that’s got a mouthful of sharp teeth – sharks, Wahoo, Kings, your mother in law, etc.

It’s best to start twisting wire with a smaller gauge, then as you get better at the technique, move up to larger diameter wire. This can be a bit tricky at first, but as you progress, you’ll find it gets easier and easier. Most importantly, learning to make your own Haywire Twists can save you some serious money vs. buying pre-made rigs. This is especially true for King Mackerel guys who go through wire rigs like crazy.

Watch the video, grab some wire leader, and get after it. You’ll be a pro in no time.